TriHealth Bridge

September 04, 2014

Following a recent announcement that a Toastmasters Club is coming to TriHealth, about 100 people already have shown interest.

Toastmasters members internationally work to improve their communication and leadership skills by attending regular meetings that function as learn-by-doing workshops in which participants hone their speaking and leadership skills in a no-pressure atmosphere.

For those interested in experiencing this meeting environment, two simulated meetings have been scheduled:

  • Wednesday, Sept. 17, at noon at Bethesda Oak
  • Thursday, Sept. 25, at noon at Bethesda North

To attend a meeting, email Nathan Mollohan at by 5 p.m. Sept. 15.  If you previously sent Nathan an email to express your interest in attending a simulated meeting, you will receive an email with details.

Those initially interested were fairly split between north and south locations. Because of this, the club will expand from just meeting at Bethesda Oak to meet at Bethesda North, as well. These meetings will rotate locations weekly, which will allow the typical member to attend every other week at their chosen location.

(Toastmasters Club organizers understand this did not accommodate the location desired for each person who expressed interest, but there could be expansion possibilities in the future.)

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