November 12, 2021
We know team members have been focused on providing high-quality patient care, responding to the current COVID-19 surge, and managing very busy schedules and shifts over the past few months. In recognition of these priorities, the deadline to complete the annual flu vaccination requirement has been extended to Friday, November 19, 2021. The Employee Health vaccine clinic appointments have been extended to November 19, as well.
Any team members who have not received your flu vaccine can visit the Flu Vaccine page to schedule an Employee Health flu vaccine clinic appointment.
Any team members who received a flu vaccine at their primary care provider or another community vendor should submit their flu vaccine record by the extended deadline through the link on the “Submitting Your Vaccination Records from Another Vendor” section of the Flu Vaccine page.
We value your contribution to our success and want to ensure you remain safe and healthy during flu season – for your health and the health of your loved ones, our patients and your fellow team members.
Thank you for your commitment to remain healthy, compliant, and ready to continue serving our patients.