TriHealth Bridge

March 24, 2014

All participants enrolled in a TriHealth Medical plan receive routine preventive services covered at 100% when they use a network provider. This means going to the doctor for your annual physical and other routine visits does not require you to pay a co-pay or co-insurance. 

100% coverage for routine preventive services is on a "plan year" basis. TriHealth's Medical Plan Year begins on July 1 and ends on June 30. 

For example: A participant has a routine eye exam performed in May, 2014, and the new plan year begins July 1, 2014; if the team member goes for another routine eye exam in December, 2014, both claims will pay at 100%.

When you use a network provider, preventive services covered at 100% include:

  • Routine Immunizations (to age 18)
  • Routine Pap Smear
  • Routine Mammogram
  • Routine Eye Exam
  • Routine Lab Test and X-ray
  • Routine Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA)
  • Routine Exams (18 years and above)
  • Routine Child Exams (to age 18)
  • Preventive Endoscopy (includes colonoscopy, proctosigmoidoscopy and sigmoidoscopy)


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