TriHealth Bridge

February 27, 2014

Put on your smarty pants and support Hospice of Hamilton at an upcoming trivia night.

Trivia rounds start at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, March 13, at Hamilton Elks, 444 Hamilton-Middletown Road in Hamilton. Dr. William Krall will serve as the emcee for the event.

Trivia teams can include up to eight members. The competition will consist of six rounds of three questions with a bonus question of Ohio-related trivia in each round (scored separately) and a half-time and final question. Prizes will go to first-, second- and third-place teams, as well as Ohio trivia winners.

Pre-register for the event by Monday, March 10, and you'll be entered to win a gift card. Registration fees are $20 per person or $35 per couple (for any two people). A cash bar and food and drinks will be available for purchase separately. Come early to dine before trivia starts!

For more information, or to register, contact Debbie Hauenstein by email or 513 373 8223. If you need a team, let Debbie know and you'll be matched with other participants.


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