TriHealth Bridge

April 08, 2014

Here's your chance to get involved in our community and make a difference!

The Bethesda Oak Diversity Advisory Council has kicked off a Community Service Challenge for TriHealth team members at Bethesda Oak.

Departments or service lines are challenged to choose a service project that aligns with our mission, vision and values. Teams compete to earn the most volunteer hours or donations, which translate into points for prizes.

A grand-prize winning team will get a $1,000 donation to their charity, and the top three teams with the most points will receive a prize.

Already, several departments have chosen their project idea and are moving the excitement and momentum forward with their teams. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to make a difference in our community.

The deadline to submit your project idea is Tuesday, April 15.

If you have questions, contact Richard Kroeger at or 513 569 6392, or Tracey DuEst at 513 569 6011.


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