TriHealth Bridge

February 25, 2015

Time is running out if you are interested in being a mentor for a Seton High School student this year. Employment dates are June 14 through August 5. Salaries for the Summer Youth Employment Program are paid by the SC Ministry Foundation.

 We are looking for interested departments who can:

  • Identify someone in the department to serve as a mentor.
  • Give regular instructions and feedback to the student.
  • Provide a comprehensive orientation for your department.
  • Ensure the student is given worthwhile tasks to perform.
  • Identify enough work to keep the summer team member busy for the FTE that is requested.

Please complete the interest form, save and return by email to Program Manager, Denise Becker, by Friday, March 11.  Keep in mind the site where the student is placed depends on the student's transportation and ability to commute to that location. 

Contact Denise Becker at 513 862 3671 if you have questions.


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