TriHealth Bridge

April 25, 2013

A little girl sat so sweetly
Upon her loving father’s knee
She looked so very solemn

He knew a smile was not to be
Questioningly she looked at him
Said “Daddy please tell me
I heard a new word today
What is diversity?

The father thought a moment
Of what the word meant to him
He thought of the history of mankind
Of those who went out on a limb

The settlers from around the world
That made Canada a freedom land
All creeds and colors of the world
Reaching out each day a helping hand

He thought of all the heroes past
The soldiers buried now in Flanders’s Field
The Kennedy’s and Martin Luther King
Who died to see a country healed?

So Much Unity in That One Word
How could he explain to her seeking eyes?
Sweetie diversity is when we all
Love each other like God above

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