April 25, 2013
Help us attend to the questions beneath the questions and decisions facing us:
How do we tend to the fire within? The fire of insight and leadership?
What do we welcome?
What do we resist?
What experience of goodness do we give others?
Calling to mind the witness of the Sisters of Charity and the Bethesda Deaconesses.
May we manifest light and hospitality, taking in the pilgrim and the stranger. May we use our gifts and our significant power only for good. May we call forth inspiration in the staff and stir into flame their aspirations for care and service.
As a fire gives real comfort on a cold, dreary day, may we give your people health, strength, warmth, and hope.
Let the fire and love deep inside each of us and deep within our ministry call us to bold and wise action, to creative and healing purposes.
In God’s name we pray.
– Submitted by Steve Schwalbe
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