TriHealth Bridge

November 13, 2013

With only a week to go until the Thursday, Nov. 21, deadline, Operation Christmas Child is way behind its goal. This simple mission project focuses on bringing joy and hope to children around the world in desperate situations by giving those children gift-filled shoe boxes.

Use your own box or obtain an official Operation Christmas Child box along with information about the project, by contacting Maureen Blackwell at 513 862 4876, or

Please note: Each box requires a $7 shipping fee. Completed boxes can be dropped off at Bethesda North, Bethesda Oak or Good Samaritan.

Bethesda Oak Employees

A display has been set up in the cafeteria with box materials and instructions so team members can self-serve picking up boxes. Boxes are also available in the Oak Gift shop. All filled boxes and $7 delivery fee payment (or evidence that it was paid online) need to be turned in to the Oak Gift shop by Nov. 21.

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