TriHealth Bridge

April 03, 2014

Watson-Maya-425xMaya Walton, a Project SEARCH intern, has joined Nutrition Services as a retail food service representative, bringing enthusiasm and months of experience from Cincinnati Children's.

She will report to Carlos Crump, retail manager, and Lindsey Stevens, patient services manager of Nutrition Services, and work mainly in the fifth-floor cafeteria.

Project SEARCH, which originated at Cincinnati Children's, fully immerses participants in the workplace and provides a seamless combination of classroom instruction, career exploration and hands-on training through worksite rotations.

A graduate of Winton Woods High School, Maya has been a part of Project SEARCH since August 2013. She has worked as an intern at Cincinnati Children's as a mail courier and an inventory technician in the Center of Professional Excellence.

Maya's long-term goal is to work full-time in food service. She prefers working in the dining room and interacting with people, but she also plans to learn to work alongside Good Samaritan chefs, helping with food preparation.

Maya's favorite part of her internship position at TriHealth is "greeting the people who come into the cafeteria," she said.

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