TriHealth Bridge

February 26, 2014

Snowshoes-200xAs this winter continues to bring record cold temperatures and snowfall, at least one TriHealth team member isn't letting it get her down.

Earlier this month, when snow and ice blanketed the region, causing most schools and some businesses and community centers to close, Mary Heinichen, a financial assistant in Patient Accounting, took the opportunity to break out her snowshoes and walk to work.

"I love the snow. Well, maybe not this year, but I love being outside, and I really do like winter," Mary said.

A Hyde Park resident, Mary walked about two miles that day from her house to her office in Norwood, which took about 50 minutes. Conditions were ideal for her snowshoes, she said, because there was a layer of snow on top of ice.

"I haven't had much of an occasion to use them here," Mary said. "When the snow is right, unfortunately, it usually melts or people clear their sidewalks."

Mary purchased her snowshoes several years ago when one of her two daughters lived in Denver. The pair would go snowshoeing when Mary would visit.

She continues to keep an eye out for ideal conditions to use her snowshoes again.

"I had a good time with it," Mary said.

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