TriHealth Bridge

January 07, 2019

Happy New Year! The dawning of a new calendar year usually evokes New Year's resolutions and self­ improvement goals for the coming 365 days. Like you, I've been known to set a few resolutions myself, and this year I will be redoubling my efforts and focus on those things that matter most---getting back to the basics. And, those "basics" remain making TriHealth a great place to work and practice for our team members and physicians, and most importantly the health system of choice for our patients and community! As we prepare to welcome in 2019, let's all take a moment to reflect on all that we have accomplished together this year and consider ways in which we can sharpen our focus on the sacred work of humbly serving those in need.

I thank you for all that you do for TriHealth and those we serve, and wish each of you a happy and healthy new year!

A Successful One Campaign

Thank you for your support of this year's One Campaign. It was a great success! Because of your personal commitment to the One Campaign, TriHealth is leading the way in our community today - both in healthcare and philanthropic giving. Thank you again for your generosity, spirit of giving, and continuing desire to answer the call to serve our community.

TPP Primary Care Community Outreach
Primary care has been heavily involved in community service throughout 2018. Many locations have collected food and clothing donations, adopted families for the holiday season, and raised money for a variety of causes. Read more about their community involvement on LinkNet.

Reminder: Safety & Reliability Training
A reminder that mandatory safety and reliability training for all team members - clinical and non-clinical - must be completed by Jan. 11, 2019. Limited spots are available, so log in to LEARN to register today. More information regarding the safety and reliability training can be found on LinkNet.

TriHealth Partners with Humana to Improve Patient Experience and Health Outcomes
Humana Inc. announced the first participating healthcare providers in its value-based care Hospital Incentive Program (HIP), which is designed to provide higher­ quality, coordinated care for Humana commercial members. Humana and TriHealth will work together toward delivering integrated care and reducing duplicative services, hospital readmissions, and complication rates in acute care inpatient admissions.
Learn more on LinkNet.

TriHealth Corporate Policy Update
TriHealth team members are required to review and understand all Corporate Policy revisions. Click here to download a summary of Corporate Policy Updates. To view all policies, please access TIPS from the LinkNet homepage.

If you maintain an aqua TriHealth Corporate Policy binder please discard the previous version of these policies, print the current version of policies from TIPS and insert them in the binder.

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