TriHealth Bridge

April 17, 2014

Prout-John-150xThe Internet is often the first place people seek health information. Studies show 80 percent of Internet users say they went online to answer health questions last year, potentially visiting more than 70,000 health-related websites.

There's good news and a cautionary tale here. The sheer number of health-based websites makes locating valid information difficult. Many medical professionals are increasingly concerned about the quality of online information and how it's interpreted - including people attempting to diagnose themselves or a family member. In fact, less than four in 10 people found their personal diagnosis matched their physician's.1

Value in Online Information

Information on the web can help educate patients when talking to their physicians and caregivers. Physicians want their patients to be educated, but spending too much time researching a condition may not be healthy. While it's important to seek health information, it's just as important to consult with a physician prior to starting any treatment suggestions found online.

New Option for Wellness Help

While the number of people searching for health and wellness news grows, so does the number of people who often can't find the information they need.

That's why TriHealth recently created It's a new website that delivers health and wellness news and information, directly from TriHealth experts. It offers comprehensive content, a user-friendly design, and convenient options to share information with family members and with friends.

Offered in an easy-to-read, conversational tone, DailyHealthWire can become the single, go-to place for health news and tips that matter most. It's a practical alternative to health data overload. Consider visiting And let me know what you think.

 1Pew Research Center Internet & American Life Project 

John Prout, TriHealth president and CEO, writes about important topics in health care in his monthly editorial A Healthy Perspective.

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