June 26, 2014
Could you imagine being very sick and having no one to turn to? No family member to help you cope or trusted physician to help you regain your health? Sadly, for some in Greater Cincinnati, that's a reality.
However, help is already in place. Local health systems offer convenient outreach programs that promote good health for everyone, teaching people how to keep themselves and their families healthy.
At TriHealth, our Outreach Ministries programs partner with urban churches to bring quality health care to people for whom it's not readily available. The programs provide free services ranging from caring for chronic illnesses such as diabetes to help understanding and managing medications.
Special Focus on Improving Infant Mortality
The program also has a special focus-helping pregnant women remove barriers to delivering healthy, full-term babies. Nurses or social workers in the program become like family to the people they serve. That level of care makes all the difference.
These patients have many issues in their lives that they have to prioritize, and often they don't know how to reach out for help. That's why it's vitally important for us to have a partner in the community.
Partnering Is Key to Success
We recognize that outreach programs open doors that hospitals can't, and we couldn't do it without our not-for-profit partners.
When this work is viewed as vital, everyone in the community can align to support its success and growth.
It's clear there is much more to do. Many of the programs, classes, services and facilities have evolved from a doctor, health care provider, or local resident recognizing a need and planting the seed for positive change.
What opportunities do you see?
John Prout, President and CEO, writes about important health care topics in his monthly series A Healthy Perspective.
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