TriHealth Bridge

April 08, 2015

Prout-John-150xWe all know health care is experiencing a dramatic evolution. For employers, ensuring their workforce stays healthy and receives quality care is a top priority.

That’s why new ideas on how care can be delivered are being tested right here in Cincinnati.

Recently, GE Aviation announced plans to build the GE Family Wellness Center at its Evendale campus. This idea was born out of the company’s desire to help the GE family in this community receive quality health care in a convenient setting.

Pioneering a New Approach

TriHealth’s Patient-Centered Medical Home care model, which is organized around the patient, the patient’s family and referring physicians, guides the center’s development. The model delivers coordinated, convenient and customized occupational and primary care, wellness programs and pharmacy services – which typically are dispersed throughout a community.

Redefining Health Care Delivery, Together

TriHealth is thrilled to be on this journey with GE.

The GE Family Wellness Center is expected to be the health care home base for many local team members and their families. We’ll do our part by delivering high-quality care in a setting that is easy to use, and connecting with other health services or specialties as needed.

This project is modeling how health care providers and businesses can work together in an effort to improve the health, wellness and convenience for a company’s greatest asset – its team members.

Thanks to everyone, especially GE Aviation, for trusting us to help improve lives.


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