TriHealth Bridge

July 29, 2016

Hi Team −

Hope you are staying cool and are finding time to get away to enjoy of this beautiful summer! 

At TriHealth, we kicked off our new Fiscal Year 2017 (FY17) with a bang this month, continuing to make solid progress on our journey from Good to Great.  We completed our second Leadership Development Institute (LDI), which brought together our entire TriHealth Leadership Team of more than 800 leaders for two days to further build and hardwire our new TriHealth Way of Leading and Serving.  As you know, adopting a consistent TriHealth Way of Leading, Serving and Delivering Care is a key driver that will enable us to become a fully-integrated system capable of delivering an exceptional care experience across our more than 140 sites.  Following are a few highlights from the LDI:

Values-Driven Leadership and Culture:  What do all great, enduring organizations have in common?  They are all values driven, and that was one of the major topics introduced at our July LDI.  Leaders learned the vital role our TriHealth Values must play in guiding how we lead, serve, make decisions, and ultimately, behave.  Values- driven organizations – and their people – set themselves apart by demonstrating much more than what they do – rather, they demonstrate in every interaction, decision and behavior who they are and what they stand for and believe in.

To reinforce and remind us of the importance of building and sustaining a values-driven organization, we’ve created the acronym SERVE (Serve, Excel, Respect, Value, Engage) as a meaningful, abbreviated representation of our TriHealth Values.  This acronym does not replace our current values, it serves as an action word and guide to help us keep our values in mind as we work to demonstrate them in all we do.  Here’s how our values align with the SERVE acronym:

SERVE Acronym Words

TriHealth Mission & Values Represented


  • Our Mission is to improve the health status of the people we Serve.


  • Excellence in Service, Quality and Safety for those we serve.


  • Respect for All People, Respect for Our Spiritual Heritage and Respect for Our Differences.


  • Valuing our time, treasures & talents as we choose to serve the community through Stewardship.


  • Engage our people & our community to improve health.

You’ll be seeing and hearing more of the SERVE acronym – and how we put our values into action – in the coming months as we actively engage you in our efforts to foster a values-driven culture. And speaking of engaging you...

New Name for a New Role:  At our June Team Member Forums, we talked about the evolving role of TriHealth team members as trusted partners in helping us achieve our vision – and we asked you what term you think best describes this new, more collaborative role.  The vast majority of respondents chose “team member” to replace the word “team member” – so team member it is!  Expect to see a full transition to the new name over the next few weeks. To see the complete Forum Survey Results, along with a summary of the Questions & Answers, click here.

Balanced Scorecard Coming:  Along with the start of a new fiscal year and a new set of TriHealth Pillars Goals, comes the introduction of a communication tool, the “Balanced Scorecard,” to openly report our monthly and year-end performance for each of our five Pillars Goals (Quality/Safety, Service, Growth, People/Culture and Finance).  Starting in August, leaders will share our TriHealth Balanced Scorecard results – reflecting both the overall system performance, as well as your facility and/or department performance.  Expect to see updated Balanced Scorecard results at Quarterly Team Member Forums, Monthly Department Meetings and on LinkNet.

Effort Launched to Harvest and Act on Your Bright Ideas:  Also introduced at the LDI was our new TriHealth initiative designed to bring your bright ideas to life.  You came to health care to make a difference in others’ lives and that is what drives you to uphold TriHealth’s Values every day.  Now we’re giving that passion – and your ideas – an outlet for lasting change through an organized “system” that will produce big improvements through many small and large changes born from team member ideas.  Over the next few months, your leaders will introduce new tools and methods that will make it fast, fun and easy for you and your teams to help us improve all aspects of how we work and how we care for our patients – and we can’t wait to see what you’ve got in mind!!

New “TriHealth Way” LinkNet Page:  We recently developed a new “TriHealth Way” section on LinkNet to share our growing base of TriHealth Way activities, best practices, helpful resources and upcoming events – including more detail on the topics I’ve shared in this Update.  Easily accessible from the LinkNet home page, the TriHealth Way section offers you a convenient, one-stop source to learn all about our continued efforts and progress – and what you can do to get involved.  Be sure to check it out!

Thank you for all you do for TriHealth, and all those we serve.  Have a great weekend!

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