TriHealth Bridge

December 22, 2016

Special Holiday Video Message from Mark

Hi team -

Happy Holidays! It’s hard to believe, but we are already nearing the end of 2016 – and what a year of progress and growth it’s been! Thanks to your dedication and hard work, we hit the ground running in January on our journey from good to great – and we’ve been gaining impressive momentum ever since!

With your enthusiasm and support, we ushered in a bold, new TriHealth strategic plan and empowered our more than 800 system leaders and 12,000 team members to adopt and embrace our new TriHealth Way of Leading & Serving.

Twelve months later, we have a lot to be proud of and grateful for! We introduced our quarterly Leadership Development Institute (LDI), and after just two LDIs this year, we’ve now standardized dozens of system-wide best practices, including Leader Rounding, Stop Light Reports, Monthly Department Meetings, Always Behaviors (including “Hello in the Hallway”), Nurse Rounding on patients and a variety of team member recognition and engagement techniques. We’ve also stepped up our efforts to live our values in everything we do – and we’ve worked hard to integrate our operations and improve efficiencies across the system.

What’s most important about this progress is that our people and our patients are telling us it’s making TriHealth a better place to work and to receive care:

  • In 2016, team member engagement scores increased more than 40-percentile points (from the 26th percentile at the end of 2015 to the 72nd percentile noted on our latest quarterly Pulse Survey).
  • And, in October, after hardwiring “Daily Nurse Leader Rounding on Patients,” Good Samaritan Hospital achieved an HCAHPS overall rating at the 81st percentile, up from the 67th percentile scored in the first quarter of our fiscal year.

These impressive early results would not be possible without you! You’ve done an outstanding job this year embracing new and better ways to work, to serve and to deliver care – and you’ve done so with an open mind, an eagerness to learn and a commitment to excel. And we’re just getting started!

My sincere thanks for all you do to live our values as you SERVE our patients, family members and each other, every day. It has been a privilege and an honor to serve you in my first year as TriHealth President. I look forward to doing even more together in the year ahead as we fulfill our vision to make TriHealth a place where people want to work, where physicians want to practice, and most importantly, where the community wants to go when they need the best quality, service, safety and value in health care.

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