TriHealth Bridge

January 16, 2014

TriHealth offers a variety of Weight Watchers classes at various on-site work locations.

Attend an open house at 5 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 4, at Corporate Health in the large conference room where you'll experience a free Weight Watchers meeting and have an opportunity to talk to members and program representatives.

TriHealth benefits-eligible team members are able to receive a 50-percent subsidy toward the program.

When you purchase a Weight Watchers at Work monthly pass, you'll receive:

Guidance from a leader who lost weight and kept it off with the program

Support, ideas and encouragement from members like you

A monthly pass with access to eTools, the online weight-loss companion to meetings

Convenient locations with varying meeting times to accommodate your schedule

Read more about Weight Watchers at Work, or contact TriHealth LifeStyles at 513 977 0088 for more information.

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