TriHealth Bridge

August 06, 2014

The School at Work (SAW) program is a way to learn with your coworkers where you work.

Through the program, you will:

  • Gain knowledge that you need to move ahead
  • Learn how to use a computer and learn online
  • Refresh your math, reading and communication skills
  • Improve your people and customer-service skills
  • Build specific health care skills
  • Learn things that will help you assist your children and grandchildren with homework
  • Boost your self confidence

To be considered for the program, team members must:

  • Be employed with TriHealth for a minimum of six months
  • Work 32 hours a week in a current position at or near Bethesda North
  • Have no disciplinary action in place for the past six months

Employees with a college education are not candidates for this program.

Employees accepted for the School at Work program are expected to attend weekly afternoon sessions (Tuesdays from 2 to 4 p.m.) on site at Bethesda North for eight months. SAW classes start Oct. 7.

Get Involved

Step 1:  Talk to your manager.

Step 2:  Attend one of the information sessions/reading assessments, all scheduled for 2 p.m.

  • Thursday, Aug. 21 in the Bethesda North main computer lab (in the hall across from the credit union)
  • Tuesday, Aug. 26 in the Bethesda North main computer lab
  • Tuesday, Sept. 9 in the Bethesda North Creekside computer lab (down the hall, past the cafeteria)
  • Tuesday, Sept. 16 in the Bethesda North Creekside computer lab

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