TriHealth Bridge

July 19, 2013

TriHealth Heart Institute has teamed up with the Cincinnati Bengals and the American Heart Association to produce a video that demonstrates a new method of CPR, called Hands-Only CPR®.

In the video, Who Dey learns this technique and then teaches it to his friends, including mascots from the Reds and Xavier. The goal is to raise awareness and increase rates of bystander CPR.

THI is encouraging TriHealth team members to share this video on their social media and ask others to share as well to help promote bystander CPR. According to the American Heart Association, effective bystander CPR provided immediately can double or triple the chance of survival. And data show that just watching a video can make someone more likely to attempt CPR in an emergency.

Employees cannot access social media on the TriHealth network, so to find and post the video, go to and search for “CPR” or “CPR Who Dey.”

Note: Hands-Only CPR is for community CPR providers indicated for CPR provided in the community. It is not utilized by health care providers for CPR provided in the health care setting. Training in Hands-Only CPR is not a substitute option for health care provider CPR training. 

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