TriHealth Bridge

July 30, 2019

Good Samaritan Hospital has won the QUEST® Award for High-Value Healthcare in the ‘Peer Group Performance’ category at the recent QUEST National Meeting. This meeting took place during Premier’s Annual Breakthroughs Conference and Exhibition on June 18, 2019. 

This award was in recognition of achieving the top performance among its Council of Teaching Hospitals peer group in Premier’s QUEST 2020 collaborative for mortality, readmissions, affordability and safety. QUEST 2020 is a three-year program to inspire, support and guide health systems in embracing their skills to transform the design, quality and performance of care delivery by connecting them with peers, evidence-based practices and data. QUEST is a national initiative with over 230 hospitals that treat about 2.3 million patients annually, and uses the power of collaboration to speed performance improvement.

This acknowledgment reinforces our commitment to reliably deliver the best care experience to the patients we serve. We are proud of Good Samaritan Hospital’s recognition as we continue down our path of improving patient

Pictured above: Tammy Brooks (Quest), Lisa Parks, Lizzie Kirschner and Jen Flack

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Posted by: Michele Lasley on July 24, 2023
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