TriHealth Bridge

December 16, 2014

'Tis the season for giving! And no gift is more personal than one that comes straight from the "heart."

Donate blood at Bethesda North on Dec. 30 from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Golder Room II. All donors will receive a $5 Chipotle gift card.

To schedule a time to donate, visit, stop by a table in the Creekside Cafeteria, or call Volunteer Resources at 513 865 1230. (Walk-ins are accepted.)

10 Facts about Blood

1. About 32,000 pints of blood are used each day in the U.S.

2. Every three seconds someone needs blood.

3. One of every 10 people who enter a hospital needs blood.

4. Just one pint of donated blood can help save as many as three lives.

5. There are four main blood types: A, B, AB and O. AB is the universal recipient and O negative is the universal donor. Blood centers often run short of type O and B blood.

6. Shortages of all types of blood occur during the summer and winter holidays.

7. If all blood donors gave two to four times a year, it would help prevent blood shortages.

8. Those who donate blood do so out of a sense of duty and community spirit, not to make money. They are not paid for their donation.

9. The No. 1 reason donors say they give is because they "want to help others."

10. It's about life.


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