TriHealth Bridge

March 13, 2014

There are more than 100 open volunteer opportunities at Bethesda North, and we want everyone to know!

We'll be spreading the word next month with a Volunteer Rush from 3 to 5 p.m. Thursday, April 10, in Bethesda North Golder Room II, when we'll invite the public and team members to check out available volunteer opportunities.

Similar to a "rush" on college a campus, various departments will staff display tables to attract and entice potential volunteers to their service lines.

Applications and position descriptions will be available, along with snacks and other giveaways.

Does your department have open volunteer positions? TriHealth locations outside of Bethesda North are welcome to participate, too. Fun and creativity are encouraged.

The department that nabs the most new volunteers will win a prize!

Register your department to participate by Tuesday, April 1. To enter, call Bethesda North Volunteer Resources at 513 865 1164.

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