TriHealth Bridge

November 18, 2013

With the economy still lagging, there are plenty of people looking for alternate sources of funds - like, perhaps, the contents of your purse or wallet.

Don't let thieves turn you into Santa.

During the holiday season, especially, the Security Department cautions team members to protect hospital property and their personal and patients' belongings.

Theft rates increase during this time when there is a greater need for money. This includes thefts that occur in hospitals.

To enhance campus security, officers have increased patrol in parking lots and garages, and steps are being taken to increase lighting where needed.

For emergencies, dial 911 from any hospital phone or Bethesda Oak phone. Ambulatory locations should dial 911, then report incidents to campus security.

Protect yourself by following these tips:

  • Keep belongings in lockers with secured locks. It takes a thief only seconds to open an unlocked locker and go through a purse or coat pockets.
  • Lock unattended offices.
  • Remind patients to leave valuables at home. (Patients can call Security for a valuables deposit while in the hospital.)
  • Secure purses in a locked compartment. Do not store purses in plain view, under desks, in drawers or behind curtains.
  • Do not carry credit cards or large amounts of cash.
  • Do not leave valuables unprotected, or in your vehicle. Secure them in a truck, if you must bring them with you, and always lock your vehicle doors.
  • Call Security immediately if you see someone acting suspiciously or in an area where they shouldn't be.
  • Call for an escort to your car:
    • Good Samaritan - ext. 22476
    • Bethesda North - ext. 51119
    • Bethesda Oak - ext. 71166


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