TriHealth Bridge

October 11, 2013

Thanks to those eligible nurses who have participated already in the National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI) Nurse Satisfaction Survey.

If you're eligible and you have not taken the survey, please take a few minutes to fill it out online at You'll need to enter your RN satisfaction code, provided in an invitation letter, mailed to your home address.

Your response is very important! A high response rate will improve reliability of the data for your unit and our hospitals. With this information, we will receive a report comparing satisfaction among nurses at TriHealth with others across the county. The report will be used to create action plans to make our work environment even better.

And, don't forget: Each nursing unit that achieves at least a 75 percent participation rate receives an extra cash sum in their Service Excellence fund to use for celebrations!

Thanks, again, for your time and dedication to TriHealth.

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