April 07, 2014
A registered nurse in Bethesda Butler Hospital’s emergency department, David Sens encourages those around him to pursue their utmost potential.
He co-leads the Shared Leadership Committee and the Patient Satisfaction Committee. David trades beach vacations for mission trips through the organization Caring Partners.
“First off, I was very surprised about the award; I didn’t know I had been nominated until a couple days before being notified that I was selected. I was very humbled that someone would notice my style of nursing and would take the time to submit a nomination.
Personally it confirms my thoughts about why we are nurses. I feel the Lord leads our hearts as nurses, and allows us to spread his love and caring to those in need. I let this thought lead me as I provide my care.
Professionally, the award is a nice notation about the type of care you provide. I work with an amazing group of nurses at Bethesda Butler and all are deserving of this same award.
I have to give credit to our Manager, Kathy Lebowitz, RN, for fostering a culture of excellence in nursing at Bethesda Butler. She really encourages our staff to be leaders in the nursing field.”