TriHealth Bridge

January 17, 2014

The Commuter Benefit Fairs are this week. This is an opportunity to have fun, learn more on how commuter benefits can save you money and how to get started using alternative transportation. TriHealth has teamed with Cincinnati Metro to offer the fairs.

At the fairs, you can also learn more about savings offered through TriHealth's Commuter Flexible Spending Account (FSA). For benefits eligible team members, the Commuter FSA provides savings and convenience using pre- tax contributions through payroll deductions and online enrollment through the BeneCenter. BeneCenter is accessible through HRCentral.

  • Jan. 21        11:30 a.m. - 1p.m.         Bethesda Oak Cafeteria
  • Jan. 22        11:30 a.m. - 1p.m.         Good Samaritan Cafeteria
  • Jan. 23        11:30 a.m. - 1p.m.         Bethesda North Cafeteria

You can also learn about what Metro bus routes are close to where you live and work. This information is also available on


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