TriHealth Bridge

February 18, 2015

When SeniorLink closed this past fall, TriHealth’s relationship with many of the seniors in the program did not end. The Bethesda Oak Apothecary began filling prescriptions for a number of seniors to make sure they received the medication they needed when they need it.

As a result, the apothecary increased the number of prescriptions they filled each day from 100 to 300.

“We brought over the staff from that organization (SeniorLink),” says Gail Lunsford, Bethesda Oak Apothecary pharmacist. “We brought the pharmacist and the technician, so if these people (seniors) need to talk to us, guess what? They get to talk to the same people they always talked to!” 

The prescriptions are filled at the apothecary and then delivered right to the patient’s home. That’s a triumph for our patients and for the organization. 

Watch the video above to learn more about this great triumph. 

Learn more about our Together We Triumph campaign and watch a short video highlighting other moments of triumph within our system. And don’t forget to share your moments of triumph.

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