TriHealth Bridge

October 07, 2024

This service opportunity for Good Sam Team members will be Thursday November 7th 1:00p.m.- 4:00p.m. We are partnering with a local nonprofit organization People Working Cooperatively (PWC). PWC serves area homeowners (low-income veterans, seniors and people with disabilities) with critical home repairs, home modifications and relies heavily on their volunteer base (from local organization teams in particular) to help these homeowners to remain living safely in their home. Projects are based on local need and PWC client waitlist. Due to high demand to help prepare homes for winter, teams will assist with leaf raking and yardwork. All you need is a willingness to be of service to others.

Please register using the following link by Monday, October 21st :

Follow these steps:

1) Complete volunteer registration

2) Select Stephanie Lambers/TriHealth as your crew leader.

3) For Team choose TriHealth

4) In comments section, please enter your t-shirt size, your unit/department name and if your unit or department has created a “Fun” team name, please enter that as well.

Once your registration is completed, we will place you on a team with your co-workers if you all indicated what unit/department you work on so we can track that. More details will be forthcoming closer to the date. Thanks in advance for your support of this meaningful opportunity to SERVE the community. If you have any questions please contact Stephanie Lambers or Krista Jones, your TriHealth Community Benefit/Special Projects Consultants at or

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