TriHealth Bridge

May 16, 2023

A new is officially under construction toward a newly updated, user-friendly website. Based on months of consumer research, the new website will help our patients immediately recognize the new TriHealth brand creative and find the information they need about their care.

The new site is set to go live by October of this year – stay tuned for more information along the way.

Part of this process is copying over all content, thousands of pages, to the new site. For this reason, there will be a full content freeze on all edit requests starting Thursday, 6/1. After this date, all update exceptions, including emergency information, correct location information, and others will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

We greatly appreciate your willingness to hold off on requests for until further in the year where possible.

This freeze does not impact Bridge or other TriHealth sites at this time. Please contact Madeleine Greiwe Duetsch ( or Nicole Maddock ( with any questions about this change.

All last minute updates/change requests must be submitted no later than Thursday, 6/1 through the marketing request form. We thank you for your patience during this time of change.

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