TriHealth Bridge

May 24, 2023

The DEI+B, Behavioral Health and EAP teams are hosting a Mental Health Panel Discussion this Thursday, May 25 at 1 p.m. to provide team members with an opportunity to enhance their quality of life by focusing on their mental health.

This discussion will be livestreamed on Bridge. Topics that will be covered will include but not be limited to: Anxiety, ADHD, PTSD, Stress and sleep disorders and how they are tied to your mental health, and so much more. Team members will be provided with extensive resources that TriHealth provides and how maximizing these resources can and will improve their ability to focus and thrive in every area of their lives. Team members will be able to submit questions and identify areas of their mental health they may not have identified as root causes to challenges and issues they may be facing in life.

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Looking forward to this discussion!
Posted by: Karen Hipsher on July 24, 2023
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Tri Health needs more psychiatrist as part of their group and available on the insurance. (NOT PA that can't help or handle meds)
Posted by: Eric Bouza on July 24, 2023
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