TriHealth Bridge

April 18, 2023

HARP (Hospital Aftercare Recovery Program) Clinic - A Bridge Clinic

So HARP is a bridge between acute care and primary care.

It is for NO PCP patients with significant acute medical problems being discharged from the hospital or Emergency Room. Common diseases: Pneumonia, CHF, MI, Sepsis, uncontrolled DM, uncontrolled Hypertension etc. Minor ER problems such as sore throats, musculoskeletal injuries, STDs etc should be referred to the TriHealth Contact Center at (513) 853-2100. HARP is NOT a PCP Placement Service.

If the patient has a non-TriHealth PCP, HARP may refer the patient back to that doctor when appropriate.

HARP will do a phone visit or office visit depending on the patient’s needs and location.

HARP Clinic Objectives:

  • Make sure the patient is stable or improving.
  • Make sure the patient was able to get all their medications.
  • Find out if the patient has developed any new symptoms or problems.
  • Make sure the patient has made the appropriate specialist appointments.
  • Make sure Home Care has come if ordered.
  • Get the patient a Primary Care appointment or if they prefer a list of options.
  • Manage patients for a short time if needed before they reach their new PCP.
  • Send letters to all No Shows with PCP options.

If you have any questions about HARP, email Jolie Marshall or Dr. Konerman.

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Thank you for that information :-) I work in a building with a HARP facility & wondered exactly what services they offered. Very much appreciated.
Posted by: Anele Woodham on July 24, 2023
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