TriHealth Bridge

April 11, 2023

You won’t want to miss our next monthly Team Member Town Hall livestreamed on Bridge on Tuesday, April 18 from 12-1pm. We plan to announce the winning Healthcare Heroes Week T-shirt design – as voted on and selected by you – and we will unveil our new TriHealth brand campaign! Nearly 11,000 team member votes were cast and T-shirt orders placed! 
During the Town Hall, we’ll also review the latest progress in our work to Get Healthcare Right, celebrate wins, and answer your questions – with some really cool TriHealth prizes, as always, for those who join the conversation! 
And there is still time to send along your thoughts and suggestions about the important topics, updates, and questions you’d like covered during the Town Hall. Simply email them to today and we’ll be sure to include them in the discussion!
Miss last month’s Town Hall? You can view the full recording from our previous Town Halls – and more – here.

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