TriHealth Bridge

May 23, 2022

Beginning on Tuesday, May 31, TriHealth Information Systems (IS) will make the final transition to the Microsoft Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR) tool to allow users to reset their passwords and unlock their accounts. Utilization of this tool for this service will allow for more convenience, ultimately reducing the need to make a phone call for something a user can do very quickly and easily on their own. There is some initial set up required that will take a few minutes, but the result is having the long lasting convenience of being able to reset your password and unlock your account on your own without intervention from the IS Service Center.

To reset your password, unlock your account and/or sign into sites, apps, systems, etc. remotely (from offsite), you will need to: Register for both Microsoft Authenticator/Multifactor Authentication (MSA/MFA) and the Microsoft Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR) Tool.

If you do not require access to TriHealth systems, apps, websites from offsite (remotely) and will register to reset your password or unlock your account only you will simply Register for the Microsoft Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR) Tool.

Once you are registered, you can reset your password or unlock your account as needed using this website: Microsoft Online Password Reset.

Additionally, workstations that are accessed by tapping your badge will now (beginning May 31st) redirect users to the Microsoft SSPR tool when selecting the “Forgot your password” link so in order to reset your password using that link, users will need to make sure they are registered to use the tool.

Access the link Reset your Password and Unlock your Account with Microsoft Self-Service Password Reset Tool for instructions on how to reset your password or unlock your account via the website or using the “Forgot your password” link.

NOTE: The “Forgot your password” link will only appear on workstations you have to tap your badge to log on to. If you are working on a device that does not require you to tap your badge to log on and you forgot your password and need to reset it OR you need to unlock your account, you will need to go to a device (such as a personal device like a cell phone or tablet) where you can navigate to the website: to be able to do so.

If you need help registering or have any questions, please send an email to If immediate assistance is needed, you can call the IS Service Center at 513-569-5100 and select option 2.

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