May 11, 2022
TriHealth shared last year, that three TriHealth leaders were selected for the prestigious African American Leadership Development Program Class 28 with the Urban League of Greater Southwestern Ohio. TriHealth was represented by Stacy Kelly, Associate Chief Nursing Officer at Bethesda North Hospital, Darneesha Figgs, Director of Diversity, Inclusion and Language Services, and Charisse Troutman, Managed Care Insight Analyst and Chair of TRIBE. As a cohort, one of the requirements was to participate/create a community service focused project, and we made the decision to use our impact to assist children with health and hygiene.
We came to our TriHealth family to request your assistance and participation in the Clean Laundry Community Outreach Initiative in support of Carson Elementary School, and in normal TriHealth fashion, you were highly supportive in helping us to ensure we made a major impact. We wanted to take the time to share a heartfelt thank you and express our sincere gratitude for the support you extended to us as TriHealth leaders but also, for the impact that you made within the community.
Please take a moment to watch the following thank you video featuring three of your TriHealth leaders.
Click the link to watch: