TriHealth Bridge

January 31, 2022

Are you “sandwiched” between caring for your aging or ill parents and your growing or dependent children? If so, welcome to the “Sandwich Generation.” This sandwich is difficult to choke down!
Nearly 15% of Americans in their 40s or 50s provide financial and/or emotional support to both their parents and their grown children. The financial burdens associated with caring for multiple generations of family members are mounting. The Team Member Resource Center is here to help.
Join us on February 10, from 12:15-1:15 pm, for the Financial Challenges of the Sandwich Generation webcast hosted by the financial experts at Prudential. 
Certified financial experts will share suggestions for new financial behaviors and guidance on how to adopt healthy financial practices – so no matter what your future holds, you can face it with confidence. 
This session defines the “sandwich generation,” provides tips on balancing family needs, and offers financial strategies to help address some of the most common issues this generation faces. 
Registration is required. Click HERE to register* or contact the Team Member Resource Center at 513 569 4000 or to register. Registrants will receive an email with the link to access the online webcast. 
*Link must be opened using Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Safari. It is not supported in Internet Explorer.
The Team Member Resource Center is the hub for team member resources. Contact a dedicated Resource Navigator at 513 569 4000 or Mon-Thurs, 8 am-5 pm and Friday, 8 am-4:30 pm.
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