February 25, 2022
On Wednesday, February 23rd, 2022, GSC’s Admissions Recruiting Department welcomed school to work students from Hughes and Riverview High Schools on campus. The visit was hosted by Mike Jones, Manager of the School to Work Apprenticeship Program at TriHealth, along with GSC’s Admissions Recruiters Darlyn Derthick, Frances Hutchinson and Santos Robles. Students were treated to LaRosa’s pizza after their tour.
According to the feedback, they loved the lab experiences and toured the STNA skills lab. While visiting the simulation lab, nursing instructors Kari Allen, Sherylon Tarter and Kiki Greiwe arranged for them to witness a “patient” coding.
The School to Work students were very engaged and appreciated the chance to get a hands-on experience at
the College of Nursing. They asked many questions, participated at a high level and expressed interest in several GSC programs.
The Admissions Department thanks all faculty and staff who contributed in this great student event on behalf of our school to work students and GSC! For more information on College of Nursing programs and certificates, please call Admissions at 513-862-2743 or e-mail us at admissions@email.gscollege.edu.
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