TriHealth Bridge

November 02, 2021

Hi Team –
As we turn our calendars to November, I am once again returning to a short video format for today’s Weekly Update so that I can more directly and personally speak to you about our vaccination requirement and last Sunday’s deadline! 
I am pleased to report that nearly 100 percent of TriHealth team members and physicians across our system are now in compliance with our vaccine requirement, either by becoming fully vaccinated or by receiving an exemption or temporary deferral. A BIG THANKS to each and every team member, physician, and leader who stepped up in the name of patient and team member safety by becoming vaccinated – all to help us create the safest possible care and work environment for those we serve. 
While our vaccine deadline has passed, our work in managing through this ongoing fourth pandemic wave continues – though based on the latest data (see sidebar), our hopes remain high that the end of this wave is drawing closer. National trends in new cases, hospitalizations and deaths have continued their steady weekly decline, and regionally the R-factor has stabilized below 1 for the past month. At TriHealth, COVID hospitalizations were at 60 on Monday, our lowest COVID inpatient census since mid-August! And on the vaccine front, with recent FDA and CDC approvals, we are fast at work administering boosters and now vaccinating children, in addition to continuing to provide first doses to unvaccinated adults—all promising news that we will soon reach herd immunity and ultimately put this pandemic behind us! 
Enjoy the Weekly Update video in full-screen here or read the attached transcript
All of these recent positive developments lend further optimism to better, brighter days just around the corner! As always, thank you for all you do every day in bringing our mission to life for all those we serve. 

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I really enjoy seeing senior leadership out celebrating milestones with staff.
Posted by: Shane Borchers on November 04, 2021
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I really appreciate the video update format. Our Senior Leadership team continues to do a great job cascading information so well, and using this personal video format is great! Thanks.
Posted by: RaNae Wright on November 03, 2021
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