March 04, 2021
Hello TriHealth family,
Great news on the COVID-19 vaccine front this week, as the FDA granted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for a third vaccine produced by Johnson & Johnson/Jenssen. TriHealth is receiving 600 doses of the J&J vaccine along with nearly 3,800 doses of Pfizer vaccine to use as first dose vaccinations for our patients and community this week! Please watch this week’s video update for insights on the J&J vaccine and how it compares to Moderna and Pfizer vaccines. The most important takeaway is that any of these three vaccines are great options in our race to immunize our community.
Click here to view this week’s video in a separate window.
Please note: closed captioning can be turned on by clicking the “CC” button in the lower right corner of your video player.
For further information on the J&J vaccine, tune in to this excellent video from Rachel Baker and our TriHealth Nursing team.
Thank you for all you do every day to safely care for and support our TriHealth patients and the community.
I am possibly interested in getting the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
How or where can I register?
Posted by: Karen Brossart on March 15, 2021
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I would like to receive this vaccine. How/where do I register?
Posted by: Robin Scott on March 10, 2021
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