TriHealth Bridge

January 19, 2021

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Hi Team!

This Weekly Update is especially important because we have urgent COVID vaccine updates to share that directly impact our team members. Click here to view my brief video message. If you are not able to view my video, you can read the attached full text.





I am strongly encouraging those of you who have not yet signed up for your first dose to do so today here. We learned late last week from Governor DeWine that all healthcare workers must have received or scheduled their first dose by midnight on Saturday, January 23, and all those who have not received or scheduled their first dose by this date will no longer be eligible to receive the vaccine. This was an unexpected policy change, which is being driven by the short supply of the vaccine and the need to shift our focus to vaccinating the public, starting with the most vulnerable. This was not a decision made by TriHealth, but we must follow the Governor’s orders.  What this means is that if you pass on this opportunity to receive the vaccine in the prioritized healthcare worker group, but you change your mind later, you will be required to wait until your age group is eligible and there is adequate supply. For our younger team members, this could be many months away. So please, if you have not yet signed up for your first dose, I urge you to do so TODAY. The research on both the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines is clear – they are safe, they are effective, and they WILL protect us and STOP the COVID virus in our population. Visit our Vaccine Resources page on Bridge today to learn more about the vaccine and how to schedule your vaccine appointment.

Thank you for all that you are doing for our patients, our community and each other to help us end the COVID pandemic by getting your vaccination and encouraging others to do the same! We all want to return to a life of unmasked interactions with others, special gatherings of family and close friends and simple everyday activities like dining out. So, the sooner we all get vaccinated the sooner we can begin living that life again!

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Are there any exceptions being made for new team members that would like to receive the vaccine? Or will they also be required to wait until their age group is eligible?
Posted by: Diana Pelzer on January 21, 2021
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I have already received my first shot and my second shot is in February will this effect my second shot
Posted by: Team Member on January 20, 2021
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