TriHealth Bridge

January 06, 2021

Self-care does not have to be complicated, but it should include actions that promote your physical, mental and emotional health.  “Self-Care | Made Simple” offers practical tips - easy, actionable steps you can take to enhance your personal well-being that follow three key pillars:  Eat Well. Stress Less. Move More.  This month’s focus is to “Move More” with this tip: Be Realistic with Your Exercise Goals.

In an ideal world, we should strive to exercise at least 150 minutes or more per week. However, that might not be realistic for you due to a medical condition, time availability or, let’s be honest, because you might be out of shape. That’s ok!  If you are not currently an exerciser, just move.

Here are some easy ways to get started:

    • Move during commercial breaks while watching TV – march in place, do a few push-ups or squats, or walk up and down your stairs.
    • Park farther away from work or the store.
    • Walk five minutes in the morning, five minutes at lunch and five minutes after work.
    • Join the LifeStyles Fitness Centers at Bethesda North, Good Samaritan, and Baldwin – they are free! When you join one, you can use any of them! For more information, call 513-346-5140.

Visit the Self-Care |Made Simple page on Bridge for monthly tips to help you form habits that will integrate self-care into your daily routine.


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Posted by: Laurayne Bambrick on January 06, 2021
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