TriHealth Bridge

February 04, 2021

Hello TriHealth family,

We are now in our third week of vaccinating our patients and the community, and continue to rapidly and efficiently administer all of the vaccine allotments we receive from the state each week. Unfortunately, we are still being limited by an extremely small weekly supply of vaccine. As mentioned previously, TriHealth has the operations infrastructure to administer 5,000-6,000 vaccinations a day, but we are still only receiving 1,000-2,000 doses per week at this time. We are hopeful that the next few weeks will deliver increasing allotments of vaccine to further reach our patients and community. And at the same time, we remain encouraged by the continued declining number of new COVID cases and hospitalizations at TriHealth and across the region. 

Click here to view this week’s video in a separate window. 
Please note: closed captioning can be turned off by clicking the “CC” button in the lower right corner of your video player.

Thank you for all you do every day to safely care for and support our TriHealth patients and the community. 

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