TriHealth Bridge

April 04, 2021

What is Easter?
Easter is a Christian holiday that celebrates the belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In the New Testament of the Bible, the event is said to have occurred three days after Jesus was crucified by the Romans and died in roughly 30 A.D. 
The holiday concludes the “Passion of Christ,” a series of events and holidays that begins with Lent—40 days of fasting, prayer and sacrifice—and ends with Holy Week, which includes:
  • Holy Thursday – the celebration of Jesus’ Last Supper with his 12 Apostles, also known as Maundy Thursday\
  • Good Friday – the day on which Jesus’ crucifixion is observed
  • Easter Sunday
Although a holiday of high religious significance in the Christian faith, many traditions associated with Easter date back to pre-Christian, pagan times.
How is Easter Celebrated?
Many Christians worldwide celebrate Easter with special church services, music, candlelight, flowers and the ringing of church bells. Easter processions are held in some countries such as the Philippines and Spain. Many Christians view Easter as the greatest feast of the Church year. According to Christian belief, it is a day of joy and celebration to commemorate that Jesus Christ is risen.
Secular Easter Traditions
Although Easter maintains great religious significance, many children in countries such as Australia, Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom think of it as a time to get new spring clothes, to decorate eggs and to participate in Easter egg hunts where eggs are hidden by the Easter Bunny. Some children receive Easter baskets full of candy, snacks and presents around this time of the year. 
Easter Traditions
In western Christianity, including Roman Catholicism and Protestant denominations, the period before Easter holds special significance. This period of fasting and penitence, called Lent, begins on Ash Wednesday and lasts for 40 days, excluding Sundays. Click here to read more about Ash Wednesday.
The Sunday immediately before Easter is called Palm Sunday, and it commemorates Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem when followers laid palm leaves across the road to greet him.
Happy Easter!

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Thank you for this lovely overview!
Posted by: Janet Shirley on April 07, 2021
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Thank you!!
Posted by: Sylvia Buchenau on April 07, 2021
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