TriHealth Bridge

February 15, 2021

This year Ash Wednesday is celebrated this week on February 17. At TriHealth we look forward to Ash Wednesday, a day rooted in the faith traditions of our sponsors the Sisters of Charity and the Methodist Deaconesses, as a day of opportunity to stay grounded in our purpose and passion. 
Ash Wednesday is one of the most popular and important holy days in the liturgical calendar. It marks the beginning of Lent, a 40-day season of penance, reflection, fasting, and ultimately celebration, which prepares believers for Christ's Resurrection on Easter Sunday, through which redemption is attained.
If you are interested in learning more about Ash Wednesday review Celebrating Ash Wednesday
TriHealth Celebrates Ash Wednesday
Even though Ash Wednesday is not a day of obligation, TriHealth has traditionally provided Ash Wednesday services to give team members the opportunity to come together to reflect on their lives and observe their spiritual heritage. 
Due to the COVID pandemic and to ensure team member safety, this year there are no in-person Ash Wednesday services at TriHealth. Our chaplains been working creatively to provide team members a touchless Ash Wednesday blessing, in keeping with the spirit of the traditional sacred symbol of the day. Click here for times and locations. 
Team members who observe Ash Wednesday, may also like to participate in a livestream service. Below are links to local parishes’ livestreams of this sacred tradition, which begins the season known as Lent. 

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Thank you for the updates!
Posted by: Team Member on February 17, 2021
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