TriHealth Bridge

April 27, 2021

TriHealth is in the midst of participating in People Working Cooperatively's Repair Affair. This is a community service opportunity to make a concrete difference in the lives of our low-income neighbors by installing handrails and portable ramps, repairing damaged walkways, assisting with yardwork and other small outdoor projects.
The People Working Cooperatively clients include:
  • Low income homeowners
  • Seniors
  • Veterans
  • Residents in underserved areas
Team TriHealth for 2021 Repair Affair is sponsored by Bethesda North Diversity Advisory Council (DAC) and Abilities First Employee Resource Group (ERG).
We have already completed two successful Team TriHealth service projects (April 22 and April 26) installing handrails and doing yardwork. And, we are currently in need of more volunteers for May 1 from 10:00 am-1:00 pm!
This volunteer service opportunity is open to ALL TriHealth team members and leaders, as well as Diversity’s DAC and ERG. Join us for this exciting volunteer opportunity to SERVE those in our community. These projects count towards reportable community benefits.
To register to volunteer:
  • Visit:
  • Complete online registration. *All volunteers must register through the PWC website so you are in their system. Be sure to register family members who plan to volunteer with you as well.
  • Choose crew leader: Stephanie Lambers (TriHealth) May 1, 2021
Please contact Stephanie Lambers, TriHealth Community Benefit/Special Projects Consultant, with any questions. 
Thanks in advance for your participation!

Overall Rating:


Great work Team. I know there are many grateful people because of this work.
Posted by: Mary Terrell on April 28, 2021
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