TriHealth Bridge

April 08, 2021

Hello TriHealth family,

Last fall, Hospice of Cincinnati introduced a new fully-integrated model for advanced illness and end-of-life care called HOC Navigators. HOC Navigators brings together under one umbrella Hospice of Cincinnati, home-based PalliaCare, hospital and clinic-based Palliative Medicine, and supportive services including Advance Care Planning, Social Connections, Goldstein Family Grief Center, and Fernside Center for Grieving Children. Join me in this week’s video for a discussion with Gayle Mattson, Hospice of Cincinnati President, on how HOC Navigators provides exceptional, compassionate care and support for patients and their families through every stage of life. While Gayle and I recorded this video just prior to the third COVID-19 surge, HOC Navigators continues to excel in serving patients and families with one-stop access to the care they need and in creating a meaningful experience. 

Click here to view this week’s video. 
Please note: closed captioning can be turned on by clicking the “CC” button in the lower right corner of your video player.

Thank you for all you do every day to safely care for and support our TriHealth patients and the community. 



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