TriHealth Bridge

May 16, 2024

The winning t-shirt design was announced during the special Team Member Town Hall on Wednesday, May 15.
Congratulations to Matthew Alexander, Multimedia Designer, who submitted the winning design. In addition to his design appearing on the official 2024 Healthcare Appreciation t-shirt, he received a framed t-shirt and a $500 gift card during the special Team Member Town Hall.*
The runners-up were Naomi Tayse Estella, Bereavement Counselor at HOC, and Rashawn Merchant, Inventory Controller at Bethesda North Hospital. Their designs were recognized during the special Team Member Town Hall, and each will receive a $200 gift card* for their achievement. 
Additionally, all team members who submitted a design, except the top three finalists, were entered into a random drawing for the chance to win a $100 gift card.* The winners of this random drawing are:
  • Daviena Gamble
  • Gary Rousch
  • Jennifer Means
  • Mehnaaz Ali
  • Judy Westerfield
  • Andrea Costello
  • Annette Dean
  • Adam Yazell
  • Hayley Richardson
  • Divleen Dhillon

The Healthcare Appreciation t-shirt is approved to wear at work or you can show your pride by wearing it in the community. 


If you have questions, please email 

*Gift cards are taxable. According to the IRS, gift cards given to employees are considered cash equivalent items. Like cash, gift cards must be included in an employee's taxable income, regardless of the gift card amount.


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