TriHealth Bridge

May 04, 2020

The Meredith Schreiner Nursing Research and Education Fund is celebrating its 30-year anniversary! In 1990, the fund was initiated with an endowment from a Bethesda Deaconess, Meredith Schreiner. Other contributors to the fund include the Bethesda Auxiliary, Nursing Management, Medical/Dental staff, American Nursing Care, the Bethesda Foundation, and designated memorials or contributions through the Foundation. As of October 2008, team members were given the ability to donate PTO to the Meredith Schreiner fund.

The Meredith Schreiner Nursing Education and Research Fund is comprised of a review committee that approves all applications. This committee is represented by staff nurses in various job roles from Bethesda Inc. and reports through the TriHealth Education Council. This committee supports the TriHealth Nursing Mission, Vision and Philosophy. The fund supports team members turning this vision into a reality.

The fund has awarded over $10,700 this fiscal year to several team members from Bethesda Inc, that are in pursuit of professional growth in Nursing.

Happy Anniversary Meredith Schreiner Nursing Research and Education Fund/Committee and thank you to all its past and future recipients!

Pictured Above: Tira Williams DNP, RN NE-BC, Director of Med-Surg Division for Bethesda North Hospital. Tira is a three-time recipient of Meredith Schreiner and recently received her Doctorate of Nursing Practice from Mount Saint Joseph University!

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What a wonderful foundation- and congrats to Ms. Williams for her accomplishments.
Posted by: Mary Terrell on May 06, 2020
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Thank you to the Foundation and CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! to Ms. Williams for all your accomplishments. KEEP LEADING THE WAY!!
Posted by: Bobbie Henderson on May 06, 2020
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Glad to see the fund has helped so many! Congrats to Ms. Williams
Posted by: Stacy Kelly on May 04, 2020
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