March 06, 2020
Given the growing concern about the spread of the coronavirus, we are writing once again to provide you with the third in our ongoing series of Team Member and Physician updates. Earlier updates can be found on the Bridge.
The TriHealth Coronavirus Work Group, made up of infectious disease specialists, our Disaster Readiness Coordinator and others, has been meeting regularly to monitor and lead our preparation for the worldwide outbreak of the Coronavirus since the first cases were reported now more than two months ago. This team is also collaborating with our local and state public health partners to ensure that TriHealth is both prepared for and ready to appropriately respond to this emerging public health risk.
Co-led by Dr. Steve Blatt and Paul Yates, the Work Group continues to share with physicians and other clinicians the most up-to-date advisory documents to guide patient identification and management, as well as the precautions to prevent spread should the virus emerge in our region. Resources are available on Bridge by clicking below. All new information, documents and updates regarding the Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 will be found on this page going forward, so please bookmark the link for future use. New content will be added frequently, so please check this resource library when you need the most updated information.
We have updated our Infectious Disease Surge Plan to provide specific guidance for Coronavirus-19. Key points of the plan include:
Team Members
- Always follow everyday preventive actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases
- Stay home when you are sick
- Practice good Hand Hygiene
- AVOID touching your face, especially your eyes, nose and mouth.
- Respiratory Etiquette:
- Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue and immediately discard in trash.
- When a tissue is not available cough into the crook of your arm.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces, such as door-knobs, cell phones, and countertops.
- TriHealth team members that return from travel to China, Iran, Italy, Japan OR South Korea in past 14 days should report to Employee Health. In an abundance of caution to protect our patients and others, Employee Health will assess the team member for any symptoms and ask that they perform a daily body temperature and symptom check and report these to Employee Health for 14 days post travel or case contact.
- Employees who have symptoms of acute respiratory illness are recommended to stay home and not come to work until fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication, and no other symptoms (approach like all illnesses)
- Employees who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 should be cleared to return to work through Employee Health
- Report any potential exposure to a COVID-19 suspected or confirmed patient to your supervisor and Employee Health
Essential Supplies
TriHealth Supply Chain Administration, in consultation with Emergency Management and Infection Prevention, has been building an inventory of essential supplies at TriHealth in anticipation of a potential surge in demand and is providing regular reports on current stock and orders in progress.
Early Case Identification and Prevention Measures
- Emphasize Respiratory Etiquette at all Clinical Entry Points:
- Signage- Post a sign near the front door directing patients with a fever or respiratory symptoms to immediately put on a surgical mask. Direct them to immediately let a healthcare team member know of ANY travel history in the last 14 days.
- Provide surgical masks to all patients with symptoms of a respiratory illness.
- Provide tissues for patients who cannot wear a surgical mask.
- Provide hand hygiene materials and encourage patients with respiratory symptoms to perform hand hygiene.
- Telephone Triage
- Outpatient areas should triage patients by telephone prior to arrival in the office whenever possible.
Instructions for Initial Assessment and Isolation of Persons Under Investigation (PUI)
- Identify Exposure History
- Travel to China, Iran, Italy, Japan or South Korea in past 14 days or
- Close contact with a laboratory - confirmed COVID -19 patient
- Identify Signs and Symptoms:
- Fever or signs/symptoms of lower respiratory illness (cough, difficulty breathing or shortness of breath) or
- Fever with severe acute lower respiratory illness (e.g., pneumonia)) or an unexplained respiratory illness in need of hospitalization
- Isolate and use Standard, Contact and Airborne Isolation, including eye protection
- Immediately place surgical mask on patient
- Immediately place patient in private room or a negative air-flow room if available (restrict visitors from entering room)
- Keep surgical mask on patient and wear gown, gloves, fluid face shield and surgical mask when providing patient care
- Use an N-95 mask when performing aerosolizing procedures on patient e.g., bronchoscopy, intubation, suctioning and other aerosol-prone respiratory procedures
- Inform
- On-site physician will immediately determine if patient potentially meets COVID-19 criteria
- If patient meets criteria, MD will call TriHealth Infectious Disease Physician on call (513-624-0999) and Infection Prevention (call Operator at 513-862-1400 for on-call person). Infection Prevention will call the local health department in the jurisdiction the patient resides
- State health departments that have identified a People Under Investigation (PUI) will contact CDC’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
Instructions for Media Inquiries and Social Media posts about Novel Coronavirus
- If you are or anyone in your department is contacted by the media, please direct the media representative to contact the TriHealth public relations team (Rob_Whitehouse@trihealth.com and Tonya_Hurst@trihealth.com). DO NOT COMMENT OR ANSWER QUESTIONS posed by the media, either by phone or in person.
- If any representative from the media arrives in person at your facility, please call your site’s security team or your practice manager and ask the media to wait outside. The media should never show up uninvited or without a representative from the TriHealth PR team present, so please call the TriHealth switchboard at 1-513-569-6111 and ask the operator to connect you with the on-call TriHealth media representative. The media relations support team will then provide instructions on how to proceed with the media present at your facility.
- If you see posts on social media about the Novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) that mention TriHealth or a TriHealth facility, we would ask that you screenshot the post and email to the public relations team to investigate the post (this step is not required but could be very helpful in ensuring accurate information). DO NOT COMMENT or engage with posts, and please refrain from posting on your pages or making comments about the virus because your statements could be misrepresented as official TriHealth statements. If you have general questions about the media or social media, please contact Tonya_Hurst@trihealth.com.
I think the most important thing to do is not panic. Do what you are supposed to do and listen to what the CDC, WHO and Trihealth have to say and advise about preparing and preventing this virus. We have gotten through Influenza so we will get through Covid-19.
Posted by: Kimberly Pierson on March 11, 2020
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Senators sent letters to CEOs asking that companies not make employees use their sick time for self quarantine or sickness related to the coronavirus. They asked to NOT make employees drain their paid time off. Trihealth has decided this isn't route they will go even after the request from senators.
Posted by: Amanda Marlor on March 11, 2020
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I feel that the proper way to disinfect shared computer equipment would be helpful.
Posted by: Todd Zapf on March 11, 2020
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