TriHealth Bridge

August 25, 2020

As a nurse, Diane knows to pay attention to signs. When those signs alerted her that she might be suffering a major heart attack, she knew how important every second was for her chances of survival. It turns out that she was indeed suffering one of the most dangerous heart attacks, an ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) heart attack, during which one of the heart's major arteries (one of the arteries that supplies oxygen and nutrient-rich blood to the heart muscle) is blocked.

Fortunately for Diane, she had the right team behind her for quickly getting the emergency care she needed – from her husband John, to first responders from the Salem-Morrow Fire Department, to the emergency departments at TriHealth’s Bethesda Arrow Springs and Bethesda North Hospitals to Cardiologist Craig Sukin MD and the team at the TriHealth Heart Institute.

See Diane's story below, or watch/share on Facebook!


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Posted by: Karen Morris on August 26, 2020
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Very inspiring story. Everything came together and Diane's life was saved. Thanks goodness Diane knew to act quickly and her husband knew to call 911. The EMT members and the Trihealth team members are ALL amazing in the care that was provided and enabled Diane to share her story. Thank you Diane
Posted by: Vera Derkson on August 26, 2020
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God Bless you with complete recovery!
Posted by: Frances Conners on August 26, 2020
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